Raynaud's disease, also known as neuropathy of the hand (NOD), is a condition wherein the nerves in the hand are affected. Nod's have been a medical problem for millions of people, mostly children. It can cause extreme pain, numbness and a tingling sensation on the fingers, but the most difficult aspect about it is that, until now, there has been no cure.
Raynaud's disease is an inherited trait, and though you have probably inherited it from your parents, there are still ways that you can lessen the effects of NOD. Some of these methods may include:
Avoid the exposure to excessive moisture in the environment
You can do this by wearing gloves when touching things which contain moisture. You can also avoid sweating because it tends to cause damage to the tissues that surround the nerve. This will also help minimize any chances of NOD spreading to other parts of your body, like the legs or face.
Try to keep yourself hydrated by drinking ice cold water and/or applying a cold compress on your skin to warm up. If you do not have access to ice cold water at all, you can use ice packs applied to your skin and a warm compress if you have to.
In order to treat your NOD, you first have to understand the underlying causes. The most common cause of NOD is a genetic defect called Congenital Nodular Cell Dysfunction, or CNCD for short. CNCD is a rare hereditary condition, affecting only one out of every five thousand births. However, it is also possible for someone to have NOD due to a condition called Leber Congenital Amyloidosis, which affects one out of every five births, and can also be genetic.
One of the other more common causes of NOD is nerve injury, usually from a car accident or a stroke. Nerve damage can affect more than just the hands, though, affecting the neck, shoulders, legs, arms, wrists, and even the eyes. You can learn more about these injuries through a visit to a doctor.
Treatment for NOD is similar to that of other conditions that cause nerve damage
There are several ways to relieve the pain and numbness caused by a nod, but the main thing to remember is that NOD treatment will not cure the disorder itself, and that you must always keep an eye on your NOD symptoms to prevent it from spreading to other parts of your body.
While NOD is a rare disorder, it is also important to know that nerve damage can occur to anyone at anytime, and can be caused by different types of accidents or diseases, including those related to your own body. While the symptoms of NOD are similar to those of many other disorders, knowing how the condition works and what caused it can help you and your family deal with it better.
Some of the more common conditions that cause NOD include strokes, tumors, trauma, head injuries, and certain neurological disorders. As these causes are common, there are also some medications that can cause NOD, including beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and aspirin.
When choosing the best treatment for your NOD, it's important to think about what caused your NOD in the first place. For instance, if NOD was caused by a stroke or some type of neurological problem, your doctor may prescribe medication to treat the problem and stop NOD symptoms from coming back.
Another cause of NOD is nerve damage, such as a herniated disc or a slipped disc. and these can also be treated by a visit to a doctor. Since the symptoms of NOD can be caused by a number of things, it's a good idea to have your doctor to see what's causing your symptoms in order to determine the best treatment.
While NOD symptoms can be extremely debilitating, they are easy to treat and can be overcome if you are aware of the causes of NOD and how to treat them. When NOD is detected early, the pain can be reduced or completely eliminated.